
Our EDEN team publish the results of our survey in the astrophysical literature. In addition to the search for new potentially habitable worlds, EDEN also contributes to the confirmation and characterization of planets discovered by other teams and missions, such as NASA’s TESS telescope.

Our publications can be found via the following NASA ADS link: Project EDEN Library

EDEN Publications

EDEN: Sensitivity Analysis and Transiting Planet Detection Limits for Nearby Late Red Dwarfs
Gibbs, Bixel, Rackham, Apai, Schlecker et al. 2020 Astronomical Journal 159, 169

EDEN: Flare Activity of the Nearby Exoplanet-hosting M Dwarf Wolf 359 Based on K2 and EDEN Light Curves
Lin, Chen, Ip, Apai, Bixel et al. 2021 Astronomical Journal 162, 11

A large sub-Neptune transiting the thick-disk M4 V TOI-2406
Wells, Rackham, Schanche, Petrucci et al. 2021 Astronomy & Astrophysics 653, 97

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